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We won an award

14 November 2023

This year, our company participated in the competition for the Prize of the Governor of the Olomouc Region for social responsibility.

And we succeeded - we placed in a beautiful 2nd place in the category of companies with over 250 employees.

"Social responsibility is anything that benefits people, nature and the surrounding world at the same time. It is the opposite of the previously advocated approach, which understood the environment only as a source of enrichment. But it is also mutual tolerance and respect between people, striving for mutual coexistence that will benefit everyone. I thank all the companies and individuals who are socially responsible," said Josef Suchánek, governor of the Olomouc Region.

Being a socially responsible company should be in the interest of every company – responsible behavior increases work productivity and employee loyalty and brings a long-term sustainable competitive advantage to the company. However, a prerequisite for success is a systematic approach, where responsible behavior is linked to the business strategy, values ​​and mission of the company. It is a matter of choosing such activities that correspond to the nature of the company and the expectations of key stakeholders or interested persons. Practice also shows that activities associated with Corporate Social Responsibility are not effective without the personal ethical conviction of management and employees.

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