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GRANITOL akciová společnost, Partyzánská 464, 793 05 Moravský Beroun, Czech Republic
IČ 00012114, DIČ CZ00012114
Data Box ID: zzdcert
The company is headed by the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section B, Insert 112
Working hours
Offices Mon-Fri 7.00 - 15.00
Retail store Mon, Wed, Fri 9.00 - 14.00
Reception vratnice@granitol.cz, 00 420 554 780 115
Sales department prodej@granitol.cz, 00 420 554 780 221
Marketing marketing@granitol.cz, 00 420 554 780 236
HR department personalni@granitol.cz, 00 420 554 780 141
Purchasing and Logistics nemecek.m@granitol.cz, 00 420 554 780 215
Retail store prodejnisklad@granitol.cz, 00 420 554 780 234
Accounting department madodavatele@granitol.cz, fadodavatele@granitol.cz
All other inquiries can be sent to granitol@granitol.cz. Thank you.
Subsidiary company
GRANITOL PACKAGING s.r.l., Cornel Grofsoreanu bl 14 C apart 2, 300199 Timisoara, Timis, ROMANIA
Gabriel Padurean, Tel.: +40 720 887 997, E-mail: padurean@granitolpackaging.ro
GRANITOL akciová společnost
Partyzánská 464
793 05 Moravský Beroun
GRANITOL akciová společnost
Partyzánská 464, 793 05 Moravský Beroun
Phone: +420 554 780 221, E-mail granitol@granitol.cz
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