Home Page > Products > Bags for dog excrements
Bags for collecting dog excrements are especially suitable for municipalities and towns to maintain order and cleanliness in public places and parks. Dog owners who use bags for dog excrements thus help improve the environment in towns and villages.
PACKAGING | 50 bags in a block, 100 blocks in a carton, 54 cartons on a pallet. |
ECOLOGY | Unobjectionable for environment, recyclable, films can be deposited in dumps or combusted – no harmful substances appear. |
CONTACT WITH FOODSTFFS | Not advised for direct contact with foodstuffs. |
SPACING OF INDIVIDUAL HOLES | Option with hanging holes:
Option with cutouts:
GRANITOL akciová společnost
Partyzánská 464
793 05 Moravský Beroun
GRANITOL akciová společnost
Partyzánská 464, 793 05 Moravský Beroun
Phone: +420 554 780 221, E-mail granitol@granitol.cz
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